Terrenomacizo Nightclub
4700 Lipan Street
Denver, CO 80211
Denver County
Phone: (303) 458-5221
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Summit S. on
What does a brotha have to do to get in here?  Can someone let me in on the secret handshake and cut out the Hollywood bs... PM me please....  but seems to be a good space with views....
by Em C. on
I'm mixed on this place. I'm a 20-something who likes to go out with her girlfriends to a bar now and then and get her groove on, but I find I have to work a little extra (or drink a little extra) to enjoy Middlesex. The music is alright (some of the DJs have weird ideas about what you can actually dance to), but I found it a bit ridiculous to pay a $5 cover arriving at 9:16pm when there was a total of...eight people in the entire club. Clearly they're working off of their reputation (lines outside the door from 11pm onwards), so they can "afford" to be a bit ridiculous about it. Drinks are OK, I really like the cucumber martini, which is awesome, strong, and refreshing. Also like the demi-pesche for an ultimate girl drink (hefeweisen with sweet syrup). Reasonably priced too. What I like best are the people who come out. Aside from the obligatory goony guy or two (it is a club, and unfortunately there will always be those who still think they're Mr. Cassanova even after you politely decline), the crowd is generally young, hip, and most importantly, friendly. We always meet and chat with new people there, which is not something I can say for other bars in Boston and Cambridge. Overall? Worth a visit, but don't let it stop you from checking out the other awesome places in Central.
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