Texas T Saloon
116 East Dunklin Street Rear
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Cole County
Phone: (573) 634-1070
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Ken C. on
I'm the type of person who has two left feet.  On the dance floor, I generally don't know what I'm doing.  I never thought that I'd go out for a dance class.  Yet, on Saturday, that's exactly what I was doing!  I have to admit that I actually had a lot of fun! On Saturday nights, they have a free 1 hr class for beginners if you pay for the $15 cover.  And it was fun - I felt like I learned a lot.  Plus it was great because the class ended with us getting to dance with everyone in the room at least once. Following the class, the club opened and we got to dance with beginners and non-beginners.  People were patient, very approachable, and they gave several helpful tips.  Everyone just comes to dance and have a great time.  I developed confidence as the night progressed and I really felt like I was getting the hang of it! After a night of dancing, I definitely can say that I improved with the basics.  For guys, the challenge is with the fact that you're supposed to be assertive and take the lead.  Even though I wasn't doing anything flashy, it was nice to be able to do that.   When you can control the pace and you feel in sync with your dance partner, it's a great feeling. Around 11pm, the really good salsa dancers come out and they're looking for more than the basics....so thats when I discreetly bowed out.  But, overall, I had a great time and I'd definitely be open to coming back and possibly taking more classes. I had a lot of fun and it was nice to leave the place feeling like I had a little rhythm.  If you've never really put yourself out there on the dance floor, you should consider it too..  Maybe you'll see me out there trying to learn the exact same stuff.
by Christine R. on
I don't know how we ended up here- went out for a friend's homecoming to the East Coast, and we started out in the village; a total slumming-it kind of night, since he wasn't too much in a mood to really do it up. Then said friend's who makes way too much money mentioned that we should go to Marquee. I was pretty much in protest when I heard that. I had never been but I know it was a club.I pass this if we drive into the city to head back to nj and I always see long lines, b&t kind of folk (i'm from jersey but you know, there are different breeds of people that come over to the city), blah blah blah.  I wasn't dressed at all for any sort of club- skinny jeans, flats, nice top, blazer-nice for a night out, definitely not for a club, and also I didn't feel like dropping a bunch of money for loud music and expensive drinks. I am also from nj but if I need to get my dance on, there are plenty of other places to do so, cheaper, etc. So we ended up here. My friend's friend (guy with bank) ended up getting here before us and paid his way to get in with his crew, which was kind of bs since we hadn't gotten there yet. Despite protests, my guy friend who usually is up for a clubby night , got our other guy friend to shell out money to get us all in past the rope, but then we also had to  pay a cover once in. Once inside, it was crowded, full of ok looking people (it was kind of like old people night too /lots and lots of tourists). It was funny because they had us- who weren't dressed down per se, but definitely did not aim to go out clubbing- next to lots of super dressed up people. My friend bought drinks for me and him- a cocktail, beer, and two shots- it was 67 bucks, I guess I'm just so used to the slummin' set of nyc and my suburban living. the music wasn't even very good, so no, I will not return; I will stick to the smaller clubs and lounges I know and like.
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