The Derby
4500 Los Feliz
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Los Angeles County
Phone: (323) 663-8979
Fax: (323) 663-5641
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Hours: unknown
The Derby - About Us
The Derby Nightclub is best known as one of the top Hollywood nightlife locations and resurgence of swing music. The Derby Nightclub was originally opened in 1929; the building has housed several venues and was one of the famous Brown Derby’s until 1960. If you’re looking for a nightclub where you can go dance, drink and have some fun in a laid-back atmosphere then The Derby Nightclub is the place to be. The cocktail waitresses and bartenders are affable, even on the most chaotic nights.
Website Description and Information
Looking for a nightclub to go swing dance with Die-hard swing fans or first-timers lured by multiple viewings of "Swingers then come visit The Derby Nightclub. Want more information about The Derby Nightclub then log onto our website at where you can view our photo galleries, view our appetizer menu if you’re hungry, view our calendar of special events and access our contact information. The Derby is a great place for a relaxed night out.
Staff and Visitor Photos


by Travis P. on
Delux is brilliant in its simplicity: great gourmet burgers and lots of beer in a posh/trendy atmosphere. The fish sandwich is worthy of 5-stars, and the selection of craft beer on tap is quite impressive. Great spot for a date, the bathrooms are pretty sweet too.
by Koom D. on
Relative to the clubs around here that discriminate against dudes and make it such a hassle to get in, I'd give Highlands a good rating. You can get $2 parking for four hours, if you grab a seat at a restaurant and eat.  We got a crepe which ran us about $10, but saved us $8 in extra parking charges.  Guess it works out! Don't arrive too early, we got there at 9:45 and didn't get in til like 10:40.  Music is excellent, two rooms, big smoking patio, tons of people, go-go dancers, it's fun, man.  I came w/my girl, and I got hooked up on the VIP list so I didnt' have too much trouble.  It helps to have atleast a 1:1 ratio, haha. The drawback is that the smoke from the patio seeps into the dance floor area, we both woke up spitting black soot-covered snot from inhaling second-hand smoke all night. The music, though, is excellent, the DJ's are top notch.  The girls taking your money though at the front, I smelt some shade going on w/possible money skimming off the top, especially when I was told I would be comped w/my girl and I get up there and my ticket is suddenly $10. Oh well, $10 beats spending $20/person.  Try to get hooked up w/a promoter so you don't have to deal w/the lines.
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