The Duck Inn
43187 Kalifornsky Beach Road
Soldotna, AK 99669
Kenai Peninsula County
Phone: (907) 262-1849
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Dimitrios D. on
I don't even like clubs but I love this place. It's a literal freak show, complete with burlesque dancers, men on stilts, weird circus clown people, and trippy videos playing on huge screens; all under an artificial big top, dome ceiling. There are carnival games, a "funhouse" (dance room), and even bowling lanes all within the place. It's a rip-off, but really fun!
by Neta Pascorell on
Visiting from San Francisco, I was disappointed . UGGHHHHHH!! This is the only time I'll say this and these words totally describe this restaurant, "UBER LAME." Uber is such a lame word and with that, kids..momma's going to teach something about Continental's lame customer service and overrated food and drinks. The ambiance and decor were unharmoniously cohesive with each part of the restaurant, bar, and lounge. Glassware was more like "acrylicware' -- WTF. We settled for drinks and dessert which were uninspired and felt like a complete afterthought. I really wanted to like this place but fell short of its charm as soon as I sat down. Sorry Philly, this is a miss.
by Candace Himmelmann on
this place has fantastic burgers and fries (with bay seasoning).   don't bother telling them how you want your burger cooked, it's always the same and always good.  it's dark and quiet enough to talk but not quiet enough that everyone else knows your business.  grace is best on weeknights when not that crowded.
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