The Sports Bar
157 Boston Post Road
North Windham, CT 06256
Windham County
Phone: (860) 423-6789
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by Laurie Fabula on
BADASS shootz...this is one of my favorite venues in the city!  went wit some peeps not to long ago to see this band iration.  who are badass by the way, chee-whooo!!!  any hoot its a really ku small venue place with ku intricate detailing all ova.  you can view the band from the dance floor or the ku balcony, you choose.  oh ya, they actually have really ku food too.  soooo if ya in the neighborhood stop by and check out this place for good music, good cocktails and good times! chee-whoooo!!!
by Bernadette Allende on
Need a heart attack? Call up Hillbert's! They'll have it at your door step in about 10 mins in a plain white paper bag. Hillberts at this point is not just a restaurant to me, it's more of an old friend like Tamale House. It's not the greatest burger in the world or even town, and neither are the fries or shakes probably... but you know they are pretty darn good and as I read in some other review - they are always the SAME. It's good to know what you are getting. I don't know why it feels so unhealthy. It's probably no more unhealthy than Burger Tex or any other burger joint but it has that old school greasy feel to it which is good when you either have been drinking or are just too tired to care about being healthy. For some reason when I ordered tonight they gave me an extra order of onion rings on top of a burger, fries, and shake. I ate most all of it. I think I'll go lay down now. It's too bad the cool old one that was about the only real "Burger Stand" in Austin closed down and the one that's open is a converted Taco Bell. That's OK though, tastes the same.
by Kristen F. on
I was dragged here! DRAGGED!! Holy hell I hate my friends for taking me to this crap hole and to this day I still have not forgiven them. First off we were lucky to be on a guest list or my skinny ass would have told the bouncer "There's no way in hell I'm paying $20!!" while I get thrown off the 4th floor. Second the drinks are the weakest drinks I've ever had at any club in LA. How do you fuck up a margarita? By making it super sour and not adding the booze. I believe I said margarita NOT non-alcoholic margairta. What do you take me for? An AA member? I'm not going to admit that! To add insult to injury I bought three drinks and my bill was $31. If the drink wasn't going to knock me on my ass at least the bill will pick up the slack. Third the crowd was just weird and in their little cliques. Does anyone not socialize here or what? Do you want to dan... hey get back here! At least look me in the eye when you roll your eyes and walk away from me! I wore this cute dress for you and I put out.... damnit. After spending an hour not getting any ass and paying up the ass for lousy drinks my friends and I went next door to Kojis where our good bartender pal got us wasted for free. We should have gone to Koji's first. I rather kick my own ass then go back to The Highlands.
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