Third Generation Club
2719 Byron Street
Richmond, VA 23223
Richmond City County
Phone: (804) 788-8818
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Laura G. on
This place has a few perks for sure: 1) Close to work, and therefore perfect for celebrations and impulsive happy hours 2) Well thought out decor 3) Comfortable spots to lounge 4) Music isn't too loud that you can't hear what your friend is saying 5) Yummy yummy drinks! There's this drink called the My Misty made with muddled strawberries and jalapeno vodka and it is divine. It's pink in color, so it's a great drink to order to celebrate something girly. It's also really smooth with a great citrus flavor. It's the type of drink that brings back positive memories. I'm glad that I only limit myself to one drink whenever I go out, as I could see myself not getting enough of this one. Check it out: http://www.sfexaminer.... I dig the simple yet sultry decor of the lounge as well. They have hand painted motifs on the walls and a full length mirror lining the entrance walls. I get a kick out of the mirrors, because you can see who enters the club from the right position in the lounge area. This comes in handy if you're waiting for someone to join you. :-)
by Dennis S. on
This is where the jazz gets real, up the subway line to the Upper West Side (Harlem starts at 110th St, this is only 106th). This is my favorite.  Real jazz affectionados, a mix of the city's finest and less-than-finest, all not giving a damn about each other, just enjoying the music.  No drunk punks trying to impress the girls.  Not too many tourists, and they're likely to be Europeans really into their jazz.  Excellent jazz, from early to very late.  There are plenty of taxis outside late at night, so taking the subway back to wherever you're staying should not be the problem.  Forcing yourself to leave because you have to get up early for meetings the next day will be the problem.
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