by Samantha S. on This place was super fun! My friends and I had a great time playing all the games, even though they were expensive - it was a good treat - I even won a goldfish (that died the next day) and an orange stuffed monkey. There were a few dance floors. I'd come back here once in a while, just for the experience. It's definitely a different scene.
by X S. on Do not believe the pretty, warmly lit photos on their website. LIES. This place is janky to the extreme. Came here for New Years because it is where my friends wanted to go. We got VIP passes which meant open bar all night. Sounds good, right? Not really. We get there and we are allowed to skip the line because of VIP passes. Good. The lady at the door informs us she is out of VIP wristbands so she makes us some makeshift ones with a Sharpie and says that no one will give us trouble. And that's fine, right? Wrong. When I walked in I wanted to cry. It was gross and pitch black and the floor was slimy. The music was bad, both in sound quality and choice. I needed a drink like oxygen to survive in such an environment. One would think getting a drink at a club when one has a VIP pass would not be too much to ask, but one would be wrong. After waiting like 20 minutes to get drinks at the open bar, the bartender refuses to except our VIP wristbands. It takes us another 20 minutes to find some form of management to convince her otherwise. We finally get our drinks and start ordering double everything to get our moneys worth. At least she made them stiff. Every time we encountered a new bartender we had to go through the same process over again. This becomes difficult as one gets more drunk. Eventually we found a security guard who humored us and explained our predicament to the bartenders. Props to him. People do not bother controlling themselves here. Drinks were all over the floor. Every girl in high heels ate shit at least once (myself included). My entire right side was bruised well into January. I suppressed my need to pee through 5 double AMFs and two Belvedere gimlets because I was terrified of the bathrooms. Ultimately, I had fun because the price of the VIP passes sent a steely resolve to enjoy myself coursing through my veins. Being hammered helped. But I would never, ever come back.
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