Time Out
266 Idaho St
American Falls, ID 83211
Power County
Phone: (208) 226-1011
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by Tonette Denburger on
This is a review of Jillian's as a place to have a big corporate party - as that is the only time I've ever been there. So basically, I've only gone when I the only thing I have to pay for are my drinks (which are tasty and about average in price.) I won't talk about the first corporate party I attended there since I remember more about my brief stay in the planters outside that whatever it was I did while I was inside. So I'll tell you about my ost recent visit. The food was very tasty, and it kept on coming - for about an hour and a half. This is important because I work withsome very hungry city employees! Our party had the DJ booth and the dancefloor and despite the fact that there was another large party going on in the room with the pool tables, it never felt crowded. While I have no idea what this place would be like on a normal night, I can certainly vouch for it as a venue for big parties!
by Teena Walstad on
This place has a bit of History to it.  Back in the day, this was a choice spot before Minna, Mighty, Horizon, and all the million other trendy-ish spots started shotting out of SF's butthole.  You went here if you didn't want to go to Behemoth Clubs like Sound Factory, 1015, Glas Kat or 550 Barneveld.  DJ's from all over span some cool house/hip hop/raeggae trax, depending on the promoters.  There would also be great shows here (there still are!)  like the Sofa Surfers, The Roots, and bunch more. I DJ'ed a benefit here last night and the place still has fast efficient bartenders, friendly management staff, and warm, welcoming security staff that hold the fort down!  The only achilles heel to this place is the parking.  But hey, that SF for ya!
by Adam C. on
Stars don't really mean much coming from me for this one, and that's why it gets a three. I tagged along with some coworkers to Sisters on Drag King night... a friend of a friend of a friend was performing.  There was some amusement over me going... I guess because as a straight guy, they thought I'd be uncomfortable... though at that point I think everyone at work thought I was gay... really, though just going to bars makes me uncomfortable.  This was entertaining, at least. There were blue jello shots.  This makes me happy. I like eating or drinking things that are blue, and I like jello.  So, yay. The Drag King show itself (which was months and months ago, even though I'm only getting around to writing about it how) was... an experience. I have to say, in my head, lesbians are a lot more level-headed than gay men.  Flagrant and baseless stereotype? Yes.  But a drag-queen show... that I can picture.  The lesbians I know wear polo shirts and dockers, enjoy a beer and a snarky comment.  And put themselves out there in a flamboyant way less than any uptight little white boy I know (like myself). Glued on facial hair and cowboy costumes are something else entirely. And the whole open vest, while wearing nothing else, and somehow gluing your boobs down under the flaps... I have to say I was shocked, amazed, impressed, and horrified. I was a little disappointed that the stage wasn't raised or the audience area graded, so it was hard to catch the whole show, but in general... bravo lesbian community.  You're as nuts as every other community. Later on in the evening, I hung out downstairs by the bar, was interested to see the aging crossdressers at the bar, and had a pleasant time chatting with a friend. Sisters, lesbian bar with Drag King show, is not nearly as intimidating for an uptight little white boy as I might have thought.  Haven't been back, but  I wouldn't flip out if someone wanted to take me.
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