Towne Tavern of Torrington LLC
218 Harwinton Avenue
Torrington, CT 06790
Litchfield County
Phone: (860) 482-6067
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Towne Tavern of Torrington LLC - About Us
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by Brian M. on
Gotta agree with others on this place. The service is poor, servers often have had a bad attitude and the food is mediocre at best. Like others have said, you're really buying the theme when you go here. Might be a good place for cocktails but definitely have dinner elsewhere. I'd even say this is a pass for lunch.
by Lula Cowley on
pro:  beer and food with a great view (you can get beer from the bar and not have to deal with cocktail waitresses) con: a-holes come here after work.  Last night I actually heard one 25-year old say to another "well, the problem with a mutual fund your size is..."
by Kami Heaviland on
I like their Faneuil Hall location better... It's way too crowded and people here don't move out of the way. Don't even bother asking someone politely to move, just automatically push them. It's expected and more efficient. The staff is WAY too picky and pushy about their policies, "Sir, could you remove your left toe from that spot, it's one inch into the no standing zone." The bartenders are way too busy to keep up with who was in line first. Those who push harder and hold more cash in the air get served first. I have yet to make out with a boy I've just met here, clearly they have NOTHIN' on Faneuil's location.
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