Triggers Big Corral
129 North Marion Street
Morgantown, IN 46160
Brown County
Phone: (812) 597-5133
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Lindsey G. on
Here's what annoys me about the compound: 1) Before midnight, it appears to be a chick fest, but I guess that could be because ladies are free until midnight (on saturdays at least)...but still it's kind of annoying when you get to a club and you're totally surrounded by oher gorgeous, scantily clad ladies. I'm not hating but...let's just say that for men, it'd be liking shooting fish in a barrel. Oh and 2) wtf is going on with the music? If you've never gone to compund before, know that it's an indoor/outdoor club. I believe a couple of the different rooms are supposed to have different playlists, but me and my friends became increasingly annoyed a hearing the same songs 3,4, sometimes 5 times when we migrated to one of the different areas. 3) Smoking is allowed...I hate the smell of ciggies on my clothes, skin, hair...just yuck. Whoo! that said, here's what I do like: 1) sexy atmosphere and indoor/outdoor setting (despite the music, I do like being able to experience different areas of the club and I suppose it's unique in that aspect); 2) plenty of seating, which is good because wearing 5" heels....hurts 3) the music really DOES get better into the night. I've been there a couple of times and I go weak pours...which I don't care for. Weaksauce!
by Brenda C. on
Went there on a Friday night and it was a packed house with mostly Asians. Spacious, two dancefloors, three full stock bars, one bathroom and indoor smoking area. People here are super chill and friendly. Guys throws free drinks at you a lot. Lastly, Its halarious to see ntoxicated LA folks' facial reactions when they hear the word "hella".
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