Trio Restaurant
1537 17th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20036
District of Columbia County
Phone: (202) 232-6305
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Hours: unknown
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by Liz C. on
"Nowadays," an astute friend observed, "the word 'douchebag' is just used to denote someone who you don't like." Truer, sadder words about colloquial etymology were never uttered. Let's you and I reclaim the original meaning of the word 'douchebag' - not the wholly obsolete original-original, of course, but the big-spending, collar-popping, lady-lovin' second iteration, whose incarnates flock to the docks like investment banking moths to a velvet-roped candle. It's not a bad thing (recall I'm not equating a douchebag with 'a jerk') - the classic 'douchebag' comprises some of my most delightful pals, and have contributed to some of my fondest, Rohypnol-blurred memories (kidding). If I had a beer for every beer a douchebag has bequeathed me, I'd always be the drunk and happy girl I am every night I set foot in the Frying Pan. Beyond the rampant hordes of douchebags (a very good-natured bunch of drunks, if nothing else), the Frying Pan's merits as a sprawling, upscale dive bar are many. There's pretty decent grill food, and pretty decent dancing, and always buckets of Coronas and more-than-elbow-space for generations of former college ballers and shot-callers. So in the spirit of lexicographic accuracy, when someone tells you that the Frying Pan is full of 'douchebags', take a moment to clarify whether they mean "enemies" or "dudes in baseball caps". And, in the spirit of joyful outdoor New York evenings, go. No matter what the answer is.
by Narcisa Duft on
Great place to sit and drink and watch. Utterly ungentrified. Do not be surprised if the barmaid dances on the bar and throws drinks over you. Don't be surprised by the pimps, hookers, gamblers, drunks and criminally insane. If you are not an asshole you'll be ok. It loses one star as they fired DJ
by Magen Schauf on
was at loca luna last night for a holiday was good, mojitos were excellent....overall good experience
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