1020 Auahi Street
Honolulu, HI 96814
Honolulu County
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by Sean Y. on Like: - Classy setting - Large dance floor - Attentive bartenders Dislike: - Too many dudes not enough ladies (but this might have been just that night I was there). - Go Go Dancers (nothing against Go Go Dancers, just doesn't do it for me). Note: The night I went must have been Asian night. Nothing against my own people but for some reason Asian night at clubs always bring out dudes who are either ready to fight or obviously have no idea how to talk to girls. The problem with this scenario is that when the majority of dudes there look/act shady (aka try to look hard), women tend to get more anxious about who they speak to. Lastly, usually Asian night in any place ends with a fight. We left the club around 1 AM before we could witness (if any) fights.
by Mathilda Ken on Stood in line for about 30 minutes after taking 25 minutes to find parking. After getting in, I proceeded directly to one of the bars. It was so crowded I didn't get served for a while. They do have plenty to choose for drinks. Pricey like everywhere else... It could run you 7-8 bucks for a bottle of beer. I guess it could be worse but i mean still, it's pretty bad. Crowd is a bunch of pretentious folks that seem like rejects from the Marina. Douchey guys short guys flossing their expensive threads and fancy shoes to overcompensate for their height and girls working a room to get free drinks. Only came here because my friend, the bday girl have decided to have her drinky party here. Music was ok and 2 crowded dance floors. Maybe I'm just too old for this scene. I guess it's just OK for me.
by Rima Lobbins on woo-hoo, $25 cover charge for a fire hazard and drunk bouncers! Dear Rumor: You clearly have no idea what you're doing, so let me provide you with a few suggestions for improvement. First of all, on the night I visited your establishment, you allowed far too many people into your club. I've spent some time in packed clubs before, some great places in NY and LA, and certainly a full club can be more exciting than an empty one--up to a certain point. In your case, however, you crossed that line, and then you just continued to let people in. The surge of people pushing their way forward quickly became unpleasant for those of us who were already in the club, and the name of the game became simply trying to avoid suffocation. It was not fun or hip or hot, it was a fire hazard. Second of all, your bouncers. Educate them, please. They should not be drinking on the job, because it affects their judgment. One bald-headed bull in a china shop in particular downed the last quarter of a bottle of something or other, as we watched, and then he proceeded to take off in a random direction, mowing down whoever (man or woman, no matter) was so unfortunate as to be in his path. Later in the evening, we saw him picking fights with people who were picking up their coats. However, I should not single this gentleman out, because several other bouncers also offended with their lack of manners and lack of restraint. To top it all off, let's talk about that $25 cover. Twenty-five dollars for a club in Boston? I'm sorry, for that price, I would expect something refined. Something with class and cachet. You've got the image on the outside of being an exclusive nightclub of importance, something like you might see in Manhattan or another city known for its clubs, and you have all the seriousness of the waiting line and the bouncers and that cover charge...but I'm sorry, my friend, it's all some sort of sick joke. Once we were inside, we instantly knew we'd been had. If my party had not paid 25 a head, we would have walked out immediately; as it was, we attempted to give you the old college try, made our way to the bar, and then, as the surge of people continued, we spent the rest of our evening trying to escape without injury or incident. So, to sum up, my suggestion to you is that you make a tiny iota of effort to earn your cover charge. I can't say I'll be giving you a second chance (I'd rather take the Chinatown bus to Manhattan than club at your quaint little establishment) but for the sake of those who go to your club in the future, and for the sake of your own liability (you're bound to get sued for one injury or another with your current level of mismanagement) I suggest you take a hard look at your business practices, and see what you can do to improve yourselves. Sincerely Yours, Anthony
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