Turf Bar & Lounge
121 East Cleveland
Sundance, WY 82729
Crook County
Phone: (307) 283-1669
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Hours: unknown
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by Liz C. on
"Nowadays," an astute friend observed, "the word 'douchebag' is just used to denote someone who you don't like." Truer, sadder words about colloquial etymology were never uttered. Let's you and I reclaim the original meaning of the word 'douchebag' - not the wholly obsolete original-original, of course, but the big-spending, collar-popping, lady-lovin' second iteration, whose incarnates flock to the docks like investment banking moths to a velvet-roped candle. It's not a bad thing (recall I'm not equating a douchebag with 'a jerk') - the classic 'douchebag' comprises some of my most delightful pals, and have contributed to some of my fondest, Rohypnol-blurred memories (kidding). If I had a beer for every beer a douchebag has bequeathed me, I'd always be the drunk and happy girl I am every night I set foot in the Frying Pan. Beyond the rampant hordes of douchebags (a very good-natured bunch of drunks, if nothing else), the Frying Pan's merits as a sprawling, upscale dive bar are many. There's pretty decent grill food, and pretty decent dancing, and always buckets of Coronas and more-than-elbow-space for generations of former college ballers and shot-callers. So in the spirit of lexicographic accuracy, when someone tells you that the Frying Pan is full of 'douchebags', take a moment to clarify whether they mean "enemies" or "dudes in baseball caps". And, in the spirit of joyful outdoor New York evenings, go. No matter what the answer is.
by Monty Morefield on
Blake's is fun. It's the Atlanta neighborhood gay bar. The crowd is mixed, and often the front bar gets quite crowded at night. But, if you want to get a good idea what the ATL gay scene is, come to Blake's.
by Javier Freed on
This place keeps getting worse and worse as I keep coming here.  The main room upstairs plays house/trance, there is a small white room downstairs that also plays house/trance, and next to that room is a "cave" room that plays hip hop.  The main room is very spacious with tall ceilings and lots of ventilation.  The majority of the people here are at the hip hop room.  Management should definitely consider playing hip hop in the main room. I do want to try Prana sometime for dinner though.  They had some really good samples at the Pley Holiday Party.
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