Twins Place
4949 Cane Run Road
Louisville, KY 40216
Jefferson County
Phone: (502) 447-9062
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Hours: unknown
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by Pinkjadez Z. on
I tried the onion rings and sweet potato fries and a vanilla milk shake...I like everything that I had...except I found the price of the milk shake a lil pricey for the size...come on bobby add a veggie just can't feed us vegetarians with a grilled cheese sandwich...
by Tajuana Dimuccio on
I'm shocked at how many rave reviews this place gets. Seriously? This was an absolute crapfest. You walk down the street and see a long line of people. In addition to the line, you have a mob of people at the front door. Our hotel had given us vouchers, letting us get to the front of the line. I pushed my way forward and showed the bouncer my vouchers. He shook his head. I held them up again, closer to him. He said the mob outside the door were all the people with those same vouchers. Wait, what? Then why aren't you letting them in? I stood there for about 5 minutes, nobody was getting in, and my girlfriend was behind me. I got a bit annoyed, then pulled her forward and held her in front of me. I figured a pretty girl would get some attention. As soon as the bouncer saw her, he pointed at her and said she could go in. She grabbed my hand, and we walked in as quickly as we could. Cover was $20 for her, $30 for me. $50 just to get into the place, and I'm sure it'd be a lot more if I didn't have her with me, since I'd have to bribe the bouncer. On the plus side, our vouchers got us two free drinks. Two really, really weak drinks. We walked around the inside for a bit, checking out the setup. Then we sat down and waited. The place eventually filled up, and people were dancing, but the music was awful. Full hip-hop songs from 10 years past, with no remix at all. Some you couldn't even dance to, so you'd have to stand around and wait for a song to come along that was decent enough. This was Labor Day weekend - shouldn't Mansion have some good music? After waiting for a few hours for the place to liven up - and it never did - we left. I sincerely believe that the people who have a great time here are coming in already plastered. I'm convinced there's no way somebody could love the over-priced clusterfuck that is Mansion. We headed over to The Cleavlander...only $10 for the two of us to get in that night, and the music was profoundly better. Doesn't make much sense, does it? Had a great time there, at least, so the night wasn't ruined.
by Latrisha Cassese on
This place is good. So good that I left with a tweaked knee, blackened shoes and a soaking shirt on a Thursday night. For real. Celebrating with classmates was never going to include a night of dancing as I was supposed to call it an early night but then we went to the Cat Club. The music was great, the people were ready to dance and the drinks were strong. I didn't like eighties music during the 1980's but I danced my face off. The front room definitely had the better music but the saddest part of the evening was the state of my favorite sneakers. Covered in black tar and soaking wet, I was appalled by their condition. Is it possible to have that much black bar sledge on a dance floor and not have more orthopedic injuries? Despite lost articles of clothing and ruined sneakers, my friends and I all had a wonderful night. If you're needing to work out some dance moves, hit the Cat Club on a Thursday night for sure. Make sure there are cute girls in your group as this will increase your chances of cheap or even free drinks.
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