Upright Citizens Brigade East
153 East 3rd Street
New York City, NY 10009
New York County
Phone: (212) 366-9231
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: Send us an email
Hours: Call for hours
Upright Citizens Brigade East - About Us
If you're looking for a comedy club in the East Village, look no further than the world-renowned Upright Citizens Brigade , offering nightly sketch comedy, improv and stand-up. Featuring a 152-seat theatre on 153 East 3rd streat, The Upright Citizens Brigade provides a performance home for hundreds of different comedians, ranging from beginners to celebrities. Shows are available seven nights a week, with an active schedule featured here . For those looking to step into the world of comedy, UCB East offers special classes , available year round. Whether you're a professional comedian looking to hone your abilities, an improviser or sketch artist that is looking for some additional practice, or even someone with almost no comedic history, UCB East has a class for you. If you are in need of a good laugh or some tips on toning that laugh, check out the Upright Citizens Brigade theater in the East Village.
Website Description and Information
If you're looking for a comedy club in the East Village, look no further than the world-renowned Upright Citizens Brigade , offering nightly sketch comedy, improv and stand-up. Featuring a 152-seat theatre on 153 East 3rd streat, The Upright Citizens Brigade provides a performance home for hundreds of different comedians, ranging from beginners to celebrities. Shows are available seven nights a week, with an active schedule featured here . For those looking to step into the world of comedy, UCB East offers special classes , available year round. Whether you're a professional comedian looking to hone your abilities, an improviser or sketch artist that is looking for some additional practice, or even someone with almost no comedic history, UCB East has a class for you. If you are in need of a good laugh or some tips on toning that laugh, check out the Upright Citizens Brigade theater in the East Village.
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