by Winter Nevil on As I'm completely ignorant regarding jazz, I'm not going to discuss the quality of music at all other than simply saying that to my uneducated ears, the band was good and I enjoyed it. Accordingly, the three stars refers to everything except the music itself. Smoke has a cool atmosphere. It is very intimate, which is a plus, without feeling crowded. Of course, the night I was there it wasn't completely full, so it might feel cramped if there were a lot of people there. Because it's small, most of the seats are quite choice, but there is a pole on one side of the stage, obscuring my view of some of the performers. I felt the food was actually quite solid. Nothing crazy, nothing you'd go out of your way to eat, but good. It isn't going to distract you from enjoying the music and that is a positive thing. I had the Pepsi short ribs. Definitely flavorful, but perhaps a bit tough, especially compared to expertly-done short ribs. Because it's such a small place, you have to stay quiet, which is fine. This led to a pretty funny moment when an obnoxiously blond girl basically stood in front of the stage and yelled to a friend sitting at a nearby table in the fashion that you might yell to talk over the music in a club. Difference is, in this club, everyone (other than her, I guess) is there to hear the music. She was promptly and brutally "shushed." Hysterical. She then settled in to checking her blackberry right in front of the stage. Classy. So, I'd hit up Smoke if you're a jazz fan or would like to become a jazz fan. It's a good time and clearly the focus of the place. Because I'm not a huge jazz person myself, I only see myself coming here every once in a while.
by Dell Tinnea on Welcome to Carnival, ladies and gents! Watch as the blindfolded elephant walks across a tightrope! Immerse yourself in wet thrills as performers are released into the dunk tank! Okay, not quite, but almost. I'm going through a major quarter life crisis. I hit 25 last month and it was paaaainful. I said to my friends, 'No going out. No celebrating. If I act like it doesn't exist, it never happened.' I can no longer say I'm in my early twenties. Oh wait, now I can rent a car. Perfect. Enter CARNIVAL: A bar plus Coney Island plus nightclub?! By day, amusement center for all ages; by night, 21 and over. Genius. We entered the 5th floor through a hallway of funhouse mirrors and continued to the carnival games and lounge. At first I was apprehensive. It seemed too quiet and casual. Where's the spectacle, the pizazz, the sparkle?! Enter the $70 'DUNK TANK': 2 gallons of a liquor and fruit juice concoction. The cocktail waitress brought it out and I gave it the once-over, 'Psh.. I could drink this in my sleep', except the four of us chugged and chugged and we didn't get anywhere. The never ending drink! Aaah now I'm starting to see the magic. Enter the GAMES: $4 per game, hoowee pricey! But I played and I actually won! ME! I jumped up and down like a kid at my first town carnival and presented my winnings, a real goldfish in a baggy, to my friends. I forced the bf to take a pic of my new friend and me. But then I had second thoughts, what am I going to do with a fish?! I brought it back to the game booth. 'I'm sorry. Can I uhm... trade the fish for a stuffed animal?' 'But why? You don't like the fish?!' 'No, I do! I just... I don't think I'd be a very good fish mommy!!! I've had a drink, you know.' The entire staff is sooo sweet and since the place was dead, we got to play many games for free. Our waitress was super hot too. Exit DRUNK AND HAPPY: I see Carnival getting cheesy and ghetto really soon but what can I do. We stayed until closing (you can't take home the cup unless you finish the 'Dunk Tank' drink first duuuh) and stumbled onto the street - stuffed animals, a plastic 2 gallon jug, and countless 'clean fun' memories in hand. I felt like a kid all over again.
by C P. on Food was decent. Price was reasonable, and place has great decor. After dinner the place turns into a bar/club. I was celebrating there for my 31st, and had a blast. The crowd was good, and the age group was late 20's I think, at least it seemed that way. There is a loft area that can be reserved, for a small group. Nice place, good fun.