by Den D. on Royale is ok... went only once since they changed it from Roxy to Royale... I miss the Roxy days tho, especially friday nights (latin night), fun times. Roxy is also where I met my girlfriend (I know, at a club but she isn't a club person, she just went that night), so it does mean something to me. Royale is unique, I kinda didn't like the sofas in the dance floor, just takes up space. Felt like there wasn't a lot of people there, but it was during the summer. Music was good, drinks were a tiny pricy. I do like the interior of the place and the space, pretty decent size. Overall, I would go back.
by Andrew L. on Great spot to see a show. Not a bad view in the place and super cool, exposed brick style decor. Can be a little hard to find, but totally worth it.