by Den D. on Went three times and two of them was fun, the other was an international night (wednesday night)... didn't suit me, wasn't for me, did not have fun. But the other two nights where fun. Underbar is downstairs (under Caprice) and has two rooms and the small room plays latin music (which sucks that it's in the small room), people were there, had a good vibe, people dancing, that's what I like; why go out clubbing and not dance and have fun. The big room plays house, which is ok, (not my kind of music) but again the vibes were good. Drinks were up there (price wise) and wasn't a lot of people, but why have a lot to be bumping shoulder to shoulder when you have space to move. It's a ok place, can be fun on the right night (both fun nights were a friday), need more people to make it more fun and play latin music in the big room too.
by James M. on Nice large lounge spot in a central location. This is not really my scene, but it was unexpectedly refreshing It does go for the NYC chic, but from like the second or third season of Sex and the City (not a dig, just being descriptive). The decor is modern, and the lighting (including the lighting in the bar) slowly changes colors from deep blues to bright pinks, which has strange mood altering effects. Or maybe it was just the drinks, which are a bit on the pricey side (see previous comment about NYC). Interesting clientele, if not incredibly diverse. I think it gets a lot of the hotel crowd due to its proximity to Union Square: people here on business mixed in with tourists with a few happy hour folks and locals. I do have to say though, that I saw two what must have been runway models here. Or at least two tall really really skinny fashionistas who didn't smile the whole time.