by Ida G. on Since moving to Philly a few months ago, I had been avoiding going to either Pat's or Geno's due to the depressing reviews. But when our friend came to visit from overseas, I felt obligated to take her on her last night in town. Poor girl had never had a cheesesteak before. Yeah. Anyway, I forgot which one was the bigot, Pat or Geno, so we just rocked up to Geno's because Pat's had a bit of a line and Geno's had none. At the time it made perfect sense. I was going to tell my boyfriend how to order, but decided against it when I realized I didn't care. After ordering at the window, the gruff lady behind the counter translated it as "Wit Wiz" to no one in particular. A few minutes later another gruff lady slid open another window, thrust our cheesesteak out, slid the window shut. Boyfriend waved at her to get a drink and got one filled about 2/3 of the way with ice, which you know was exactly what we wanted for standing around in 30 F (before windchill) weather. The cheesesteak ($7.50? Really?) was utter garbage, and this from someone who's only had a cheesesteak twice before: once from the cart in front of the Liberty Bell Center, and another from some random fast food joint in California the week I found out we were moving to Philly. It's been almost a full 24 hours since I ate the thing (because after taking a few bites neither the boyfriend nor our visiting friend wanted anything to do with it, and I hate to waste food, or in this case, "food"), and I still feel the bread and cheese pressing down on my appendix. Half way through abandoning me to my last meal on earth, the assholes decided they wanted to try Pat's instead. I was like, sure, if you help me finish this we can get a cheesesteak from Pat's. My friend rolled her eyes, the boyfriend hailed a cab, and that was the end of that.
by Sherri C. on We stopped in here while waiting for Pink Elephant to open. There weren't many people yet, and it was nice to be able to sit comfortably on the tall-backed couches without having to pay for a table. The music was pop 80s at the time. Nothing spectacular, but nothing much to complain about either. The guys had several rounds of caipirinhas, so they must have been pretty good.
by Jeanna Kringel on A happening place on a Wednesday night, but one has to wonder what some of the people who are there are doing. They are neither hip nor attractive. The music during the first half of the night is early 80's. Please, it is 2006. They finally play music from this century in the last hour or so. Great drinks however.
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