Vic's Tap
622 Union Avenue
Providence, RI 02909
Providence County
Phone: (401) 943-3370
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Lionel Mallinak on
They have got one SERIOUS slide.  And some SERIOUS stairs. This slide is no joke and you had better be fully clothed.  It's made of tightly-wound, steeply-sloped polished wood - so you're going fast.  The last time I went, I got a slide burn on my ankle because I was wearing pumps -- and times when I didn't take the slide (not wearing pants) I've fallen down the stairs.  Is it just me?? Those things aside, Slide has got your typical pretentious 20-something crowd, and it's diverse.  the cocktails are strong and the music is good! The venue is nice AND there's NO COVER - just make sure your group has a decent ratio. It also doesn't hurt that Katanaya is around the corner.... 4 stars.
by Francis Washell on
I won't tell you how I got in... but it wasn't through the front door. I won't tell you how long I waited in line... but I felt sorry for the people still in line at 2 AM when I left. I won't tell you how I was dressed... but it wasn't appropriate. I won't tell you what I drank... but I didn't pay for it. I won't tell you what I danced to... but it wasn't the house music upstairs. I will tell you how they got all those fake leaves to stick to the ceiling... staples. TACKY. If you are going to use staples, at least use the colored kind to match the leaves or color them in with marker.
by steph d. on
What a great venue to see a live band play!!!! The interior is Japanese themed meets trendy NY.  It is cute, just enough space to be able to see your performer and have an incredible acoustic sound.  Last night I saw SIA here and I have to say she was incredible live.  She is too cute, funny and her voice is unique and sultry. The bar was busy, drinks are the usual price and the only thing that semi-ruined my night was this drink girl and her boy smoking and constantly bumping in to me.  But overall it was so much fun and I would definitely come back to see another show. Please if you haven't already heard of SIA, you need to check her out. MWAH to Hiro!!!  They also have really cute booths to sit at, but hey I'm at a concert I want to party.
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