Villa Italian Bar
4025 College Avenue
Bluefield, VA 24605
Tazewell County
Phone: (276) 322-5501
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Dayle Stains on
This place is awesome! Great place for the whole family or just you and your special someone. It's something you two will never forget. I mean come on It's the biggest in the world!! If you are out of town or just want to do something fun for the day. Go and see the Aquarium!!
by Sena Stelzl on
Nuyorican offers quality poetry slams!  The only reason for a four and not five-star rating was the lack of seats for everyone they allow in... lots of people had to stand or sit on random objects (like we did with one of the speakers!). Remember to get there early to stand in line or you may not  even get in... also, the closer you are to the front of the line, the more likely you will get a seat... which for such a long show, you will want!
by Lily T. on
small bar/club... music not so great sometimes.. NEVer ever go on a tuesday nite.. it is DEAd.... me n my frens took up the dance flOOr...  we the only ones dancing.. and we got free drinks.. wOO hOo...
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