Western Lounge
8925 West Kellogg Drive
Wichita, KS 67209
Sedgwick County
Phone: (316) 729-9722
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Karen Shubert on
Maaarrrtuuunniiiisss yaaaaaa! This place was way more than I expected from the exterior... Im not just sayon that cuz there was a crazy crackhead outside singing tina turners "tiny dancer." It looks like a small dingy noting from the outside but inside is classic San Francisco fabulousness! The bar is quite swanky with dark walls and carpet, high bar stools, and a stunning bar.  Follow the crowd to the secret back room piano bar filled with more tables and a secret bathroom.  A couple of regulars showed up and belted out beautiful tunes that blew me away. I also enjoyed the Peach Fuzz Martini and the Raspberry Lemondrop! Strong, frsh, and with real berries! It was a great change from the karoke bars I am familiar with in Japantown. I almost felt like I was inside a smaller version of the Cheers bar with all the regulars or in some crazy jazz club in Chicago hangin with Mr. Belvedere.
by Mellisa Spiva on
This place is infamous. It's a classic, nasty, basement dive bar complete with strippers.....who have much to be desired in the looks department....but are nice, down-to-earth ladies. :) Order the "Fu*king in the Graveyard" drink. It's their house drink. And to make the night complete, look for an old blonde woman. She'll do a crazy dance for you where she slaps her butt and says, "ham and biscuits" and flashes you and says, "peach cobbler". It's quite amusing! Also, the infamous "Blondie" works there, the lady who can crush beer cans between her boobies. I always take Atlanta newcomers there for the experience. :)
by Genevieve R. on
I've seen this spot morph so many times over the years: Butterfly, then Levende Lounge, then Coda. Third time may be the charm: the place is solid! Tapas, but with a heavier hand on portion-size, which I appreciate in a down economy! Good acoustics, nice service, and surprisingly good food. For some reason I had my doubts when I shouldn't have. WINNERS: coffee-rubbed pork loin; summer squash and eggplant; halibut with noodles; sweet potato fries (get the Guinness mustard dip); red wine risotto with goat cheese Top it off with the musical act and you're golden. Support this place peeps!
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