by Michael C. on I've never had a bad time at the Estate however I do think it is severely overpriced. For the $20 cover they charge the inside of this place is in major need of renovation. It looks a little tired and old. Also considering the Liquor Store across the alley and they only charge $5 and they are better in almost every way in my opinion. Don't worry you'll have a good time here but I just think there are better options for the money. I would return to the Estate but I probably wouldn't be excited about it.
by Kenton Sciarini on This place is infamous. It's a classic, nasty, basement dive bar complete with strippers.....who have much to be desired in the looks department....but are nice, down-to-earth ladies. :) Order the "Fu*king in the Graveyard" drink. It's their house drink. And to make the night complete, look for an old blonde woman. She'll do a crazy dance for you where she slaps her butt and says, "ham and biscuits" and flashes you and says, "peach cobbler". It's quite amusing! Also, the infamous "Blondie" works there, the lady who can crush beer cans between her boobies. I always take Atlanta newcomers there for the experience. :)
by Oliver Chudy on Even if I didn't know the owners, Shine would still be, hands down.... my new favorite hang out in San Francisco!!! Warm, welcoming, fun, and funky - it feels like you're walking in to the groovy living room of a dear friend who stocks the bar well. The photo booth in the back brings out the freak in everyone - with next day evidence to prove it. The love put into the place, well.... just shines.