Whispering Pines
6120 Bradfordsville Road
Lebanon, KY 40033
Marion County
Phone: (270) 337-4222
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Rachel S. on
This would have been a solid middle-of-the-road three-star review had it not been for the absolutely awful drinks that they served. I suppose the bartender thinks that since patrons are forced to order drinks thanks to the two-drink minimum that he/she doesn't have to put forth much effort. Yikes! My champagne cocktail tasted like I was drinking cough syrup. And my husband's G&T was so bad that he barely drank any of it. How does one screw up a G&T? Can combining two ingredients in a glass topped with a lime wedge be THAT difficult? Also F- for not serving food for the late show. It shouldn't come as a surprise that people would want to drink AND eat while enjoying the fine entertainment that they host. So, our table instead settled on a dish of greasy cocktail nuts that the waitress never refilled. I'll stop sipping on the haterade for one second and give them kudos for the fact that it's a more intimate venue where there's really no such thing as a bad seat in the house. As other rateclubers pointed out, definitely check out Goldstar for some good deals on tickets for their shows. In spite of my vitriolic commentary with regards to the drinks, I would still come back here for the right performer. But, next time, I'll stick with club soda or keep it classy and sneak in a flask so I can make sure the drinks are done right!
by Andrew C. on
Eating here was my first time eating tapas, which are just a bunch of lil' appetizers, akin to xiaochi and dimsum of Chinese cuisine. So I was here for a friend's birthday gathering, and it was a festive atmosphere, what with an indoor band and all. As for the food, it was rather overpriced. One small empanada ran about $5 or so. There's nothing wrong with tapas, you just shouldn't expect a full meal from them at an affordable price.
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