by Felicity M. on This place is confusing... during the day, it is a coffee shop. At night, a club/lounge. But it doesn't fully feel like either. Their drinks are halfway decent, but whenever I go here @ night I feel like I'm sitting in a coffee shop with some silly lighting and hip music... but it still feels like a coffee shop.
by Jeanne C. on Buyers beware, the cup is a lot larger than you think it is! Okay, now that I covered that, let's get on with the review. I love this place. I always get the plain tart mixed with a fruit. So far, blueberry is the winner, but I'm looking forward to trying raspberry now that it's back. As for toppings, I prefer the granola, strawberries, kiwi, blackberries, and mango. Yum. The store is kept very clean, and the layout is nice and simple. Grab a cup, fill it with yogurt, top with topping, and weigh/checkout. The store gets pretty crowded on the weekends, and I'm sure it'll be a zoo during the warmer months. Man, I wish it wasn't 1:30am right now..