by Rudolph Trojanowski on why all the super positive reviews? i think venues in SF are lacking in general, too expensive, shows too early, too many sell outs...but i guess if SF venues are all you know... this place is...good? ok-ish? ive seen good shows here, but because the bands are good, not the venue. i was warned by the staff multiple times for standing too near some white boundary line on the floor. i didnt cross it, stand on it, just got near it. annoying. plus waiters? tablecloths? thats not rock and roll thats dinner with your granny. and "beautiful"? "30's decor"? a little velvet seems to throw everyone into a tizzy. its profoundly unremarkable. im no grouch, no spoilsport, i just dont get these reviews. ive been there plenty of times, had fun, not griping about one bad experience or anything, like so many other reviews on rateclubs are based on. the bouncer bent and twisted my valid CA licence, gave me shit: im 33. this place is lame. i guess maybe a lot of rateclubsers are fancy restaurant types who shouldnt review music venues. am i talking too much shit? bimbos 365 aint shit. but good bands play there often. so maybe their booker is ok.