Willies Sports & Spirits
7710 S 51st St
Franklin, WI 53132
Milwaukee County
Phone: (414) 421-2151
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Eric K. on
I'm asian, but I went with my boy who is white. We could not get in...why? cause I went with a white guy. and if you go with someone NOT korean you gotta pay for a table. fuck that. end of story. do not go if you got with non korean people.
by Susan W. on
Alright so I went here a couple of months back and I had a pretty good time. All the different areas with the different djs was a very good thing. When it comes to djs I guess I have some commitment issues so it was nice to be able to bail out and see what was going on in the next room when the dj started playing a song I wasn't into. The drink prices were what you would expect for Atlanta so no suprises. The $10 cover charge wasn't bad for all the areas you get to go to. If you sign up for email updates on their site you can then sign up to be put on the list which means if you make it there before 11 you get in free. Well I was on the list but the damn place was kind of hard to find so we got a little lost and when we got there it was 11:05 and the guy at the door would not give me a break. *tear* Anyways still a good time and I'm so glad they didn't have a line outside. You know how some of the clubs like to make their club seem more exclusive by keeping a line outside even though there is plenty of room inside well Lava didn't try to pull that over anyone. I couldn't help but laugh on the way walking back from Lava to the parking garage at the people in the line outside of Opera. So.... good drinks and good times and for you fellas lots of drunk girls dancing extra slutty. What more could ya ask for?
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