Woodmere Tavern
5743 Woodmere Boulevard
Montgomery, AL 36117
Montgomery County
Phone: (334) 274-0437
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Steven C. on
Great DJs nice upscale looking club. Thing is, it wasn't that poppin. Maybe its the night we went? Suposedly the door people only let the exclusive in during busy nights. All the staff was pretty cool. Drinks are exp. very exp. Club is small and intimate.
by Sulema Crete on
This place is cute. It's in the cut off the main street W Peachtree and I like. Very diverse with great drinks... For the record rateclubsers...this is what I do..stay in somebody's bar, eat, drink and chat it up! I did not have the pleasure yet of eating here, however, my baby will be taken me back for dinner like soon...I went here for drinks with the chica's...but got on the phone and told him this is where I want to eat like this coming weekend...hehehehehe...demand it ladies! Lol... The place was pretty crowed but cool all-in-all...and the patio area is great for nights when ATL is not cold or raining. I'll be back with an updated post about the food.. ;-)
by Joey Parlee on
Saw the Charlie Hunter trio here tonight, and I must say I was thrilled with the whole experience.   It's not that it was cheap (though $30 a ticket does seem okay).  It's not that it was spacious, because while the ceilings were high, the tables were cramped.  And the sound system -- at least at the beginning -- was off on the bass. Yet . . . yet it was great.  I loved seeing this kind of music in San Francisco.  (Of course, I do believe I saw this same music in the '90s at the Elbo Room for a $5 or maybe $10 cover.)  But still. It was great.  And only a one drink minimum.  That's great, too.  (Not that I don't like two drinks.  But sometimes, starting at 10, that's too much.  I don't like it forced on me.) We didn't eat, by the way, but the restaurant looked quite beautiful.
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