Boomer's Lounge
100 East 3rd Street
Yankton, SD 57078
Yankton County
Phone: (605) 665-9167
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Boomer's Lounge - About Us
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Boomer's Lounge in Yankton, South Dakota is the bar to go to enjoy your favorite cocktails, drinks, beer and visit the friendliest bartenders.
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by Jessica A. on
East Side Show Room is undeniably beautiful. The rich, classy decor and overall old Harlem smooth vibe of this restaurants lends a prime opportunity to wear your favorite vintage outfit and put on an extra layer of red lipstick and order a fancy cocktail or three. Unfortunately, while there is merit due solely based on aesthetics alone, it is not enough to allow me to overlook the less-than-amazing aspects of this place. None of the cocktails my friends or I ordered were particularly good and one was even deemed undrinkable. The appetizers and desserts were acceptably tasty but overpriced and we would have liked--but did not receive--a description of the type of cheeses we were eating on our scanty platter of fromage. I can't speak in regards to their weekly entree menu as we were there merely for drinks, apps and desserts, but what I did see served looked very pretty and I imagine not hard to swallow. Our server was totally cute and it was only his second day working so he could be forgiven for the patchy service our rather large table received (although that is an excuse I often used as a server when I was in the weeds, even when I'd been working somewhere for years!). All in all I think the 3-star average East Side Show Room has is an accurate overall assessment. It probably won't be my "go-to" place but I'd definitely stop by again to try another dish and admire the coolest wallpaper this side of the 1930s.
by Agnes F. on
If you love animals, alcohol, music, and have a great appreciation for science, I really, REALLY suggest going here on Thursdays. Not only do you get all museum access, you get in for half the cost (I think a little more). For only $10, you can get the same experience any other visitor would have on a regular day. My friend told me that Academy of Sciences turns into a 21+ venue on Thursdays. When I think of 21+ venues, I think of clubs and clubs make me think of dancing...which then leads to pre-drinking and la di da..."I get to walk around a museum drunk! This is awesome!!". As we found a parking spot, let's just say we got a head start before everyone in line ;D. After taking our last swigs, we made our way to the venue...laughing, belligerent, and well, drunk. To my surprise, the line was extremely long and the tickets were already sold out. Not only was the line long, but the people standing in line were seriously not my crowd of people...or maybe sober, one of the two at least. I get my hand stamped and walk in... Oh my goodness, the venue was so nice and the music was great. Bars everywhere, people everywhere, I knew I was going to have a great time with my friends. The closed down the Rainforest Exhibit, which was the exhibit my friends and I were excited to see, so we made our way to the aquariums. The aquariums were BEAUTIFULL!!!! However, what I was worried about were the tidepools being open. Would you really want drunk people to be touching sea urchins!?! That's an accident waiting to happen. Although this place is super awesome, here's some advice: 1.) Drinks are expensive. Plan ahead. 2.) This event tends to sell out. Order tickets in advance. 3.) Go there to enjoy what science offers and be classy about it. It's a bit awkward when you see someone completely trashed in a museum...I've seen quite a few there haha. 4.) Oh yeah, don't worry about the lines. Your ticket is gold =].
by Dierdre Pante on
Very stylish joint on Market.  Great place to see a show.  Pool tables, Food, and a nice full bar. Going to see a show there this month. Check it out.
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