by Jenn F. on CIRCLE the column that reads *100% Asian*. Packed like sardines with creepers lurking about doing the "oh so discreet" stare-downs. Uhuh. You know how it is. And the fact that it's so packed seems to give them the impression that they can ever-so-slightly brush against your backside while passing by. That's the thing about people who frequent this club- not able to approach like gentlemen from the front so they just start grinding against you from behind and then call it "dancing," or just straight up staring til their eyes pop out(think history teacher from Daria cartoon). This is typical of Asian club scenes. It's really a shame as I actually dig the dance floor & live drummer; it reminded me of Tonic club in Montreal. We didn't have a problem getting in because a friend's friend had reserved table service. The better looking guys are probably the waiters(you'll spot them decked out in black tees), but that's not really saying much. Not the place to mingle as I don't find the crowd particularly friendly, and I prefer a smorgasbord of cultures at clubs/lounges.
by Mike Y. on I've been here a couple of time to grab a sandwich or some bready treat when I'm in a pinch. The inside is designed pretty generically. If you've seen one Korean bakery you've seen them all. The bubble tea is in a word W-H-A-C-K... If you're on Buford Hwy anyway just head over to Quickly for what real bubble tea should be like.
by Shane Comegys on this place is soooo wrong. My whole dinner experience made me mad.It was so bad that it was borderline funny except for the fact that it wasn't at all. Lets just say to keep it polite that this place doesn't deliver its goods like promised. And if anyone believes all that crap that they wrote about being "organic" ,"earth friendly" and some other junk about "caring about your needs.... let us know about any allergies blah blah blah we will change blah blah blah", they got another thing coming. They just wrote all that so you can justify why the bill is so expensive. PS avoid using the bathroom. They don't clean it, even on a slow night.
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