by Brain Pachla on I like Rosa's they have GREAT drinks, and all the Tequila you could ask for! I have been to Brunch and it was Fab! Been to dinner and still Fab! Been for drinks.........well, you get the picture! Gotta love a place for consistency! It's pricey. But after, GREAT Guac and GREAT drinks it wont hurt as bad.
by Victoria L. on All I can say is UNBELIEVABLY BAD!! Do not even waste your time. I have been in Boston all my life and have never seen a worse case of "we are too cool for school". I wish there was an option for 0 to negative stars. Let me start from the beginning. A friend of mine and I were meeting another friend for a night out and we decided (at 7:00pm) that we would start on Boylston Street at the Rattlesnake and go on from there. We got to the Rattlesnake, where we got a PREMIUM table on the roof deck and enjoyed a few very tasty beverages and waited for our third musketeer to show up. Time flew by and when he did finally show up (about 9:30ish) the place was packed (rightfully so, the rattlesnake is very popular with ALL types of people and they do a great business because - ummmmm - yeaaaaaaaaaaah it's a great place to hang) and we decided to go join my friend at the bar downstairs where we finished our drinks and were having a great time. Then his sister called him and said she and a bunch of her friends were at VENU and we decided to check it out. So we left the Rattlesnake - BIG MISTAKE!!! First, this frickin place ONLY has valet parking and no nearby public lot (SUCK!). There was a line thirty people deep so we called his sister who was inside to try to get her to tell the bouncers that her other guests had arrived. Come on, you've done it... tried the old "my friends are in line, can you just let them in? they're late, etc, etc, etc..." The bouncers WOULD NOT EVEN LET HER OUTSIDE THE DOOR to come see us. WTF kind of place doesn't let a current patron outside to see friends in line?!!! NONE IN BOSTON I TELL YA! We waited in the line and as we got a little closer, I happened to notice a sign on the door saying $25 cover. Again, WTF??!! At quarter past midnight they charged that much to get in for what, a little over an hour before last call?!! RIP OFF!! But because we knew we had to meet up with her, we figured, well, we may as well go in anyway.. Then it happened, the straws that broke all three camel's backs. A very very RUDE and PRETENTIOUS bouncer approached my friend and said : "YO buddy - no t-shirts - you have to have a collared shirt to get in"........ First, my friend was wearing a very nice shirt with a stylish pattern on it. Sure, it had no collar, but he didn't look like a bum....... When I tried to talk to this bouncer about it, he just sauntered away from me back up to the front door. NOW this would have been okay, if I hadn't looked around at the other people in line and saw a girl walk up, cut the line and what, pray tell, was she wearing?! Jeans that had so many rips and tears in them that she basically was wearing NOTHING and a frayed denim bikini top. DON'T ARGUE HERE FELLAS... she had NO BUSINESS wearing this outfit. She had flesh and other nastiness oozing out of every tear and her armpit breasts (ladies you know what I'm talking about) and back fat completely covered the straps on the bikini....... Obviously she had no friends, because if I had a friend who tried to get away with that outfit - I'd disown her too! She must have given the four bouncers at the door oral pleasure earlier, because SHE got in dressed like THAT with NO problem and NO charge for cover..... When I saw that - we were OUTTA THERE..... From what I heard from my friend's sister - the place inside was completely NOT even worth the $10 cover they paid because they got there earlier on in evening before the idiots jacked up admission! NOT A SMART WAY TO RUN A BUSINESS FELLAS - SHUT IT DOWN, and open it under new management... this place BLOWS!!!
by Haywood Fraleigh on This place is hella cool for a chill nightlife scene with your friends...and sharing an inexpensive healthy (veg-only!) plate of finger foods. mmm.