Lanes Bowling Center & Lounge
Po Box 916
Clear Lake, SD 57226
Deuel County
Phone: (605) 874-2983
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Peter Ockerman on
As a science nerd, I absolutely love this place.  And as someone who's over 21, I love it even more! I went to the Taste of NightLife and it was pretty awesome!  There wasn't a lot of food tasting (maybe because I first did the Planetarium show and missed out on some events).. Otherwise, I had dinner at the cafe with my friends.  The wait staff was kind enough to offer my friend a candle, who put it on a chocolate tart for my upcoming birthday.  And yes, I did get in for free and this will now have to be an annual tradition. And not to sound anti-children, but it's nice not being surrounded by children running around.  As far as the drinks, I had wine and my friend had beer so there are no complaints from us.  I can't rate on the cocktails.. All in all, it's a nice place to hang out, check out exhibits and drink with friends.
by Horace Damas on
Came here for a friends art opening on a Sunday afternoon.  The bartender kicked ass and made me a great refreshing tequila based drink I think she concocted on the spot using the Watermelon that the artist had brought as refreshments.    The drink kicked ass.  A band played, I got drunk and eventually had to leave.  What more can a guy ask for! P.S. - Can't talk about the food cause the kitchen was closed.
by Mark P. on
Ok this is tough for me...went there a bunch of times when Reese was bartending and had a great time. However this past Saturday afternoon me, my gf another friend and his gf went there for a drink after we got back from a pool party . We were joking around cracking each other up just having a good time when the super skinny wanna be rocker bartender comes over and asks us if we can keep it down because people were complaining - aka his 3 friends at the bar. Last time I checked it was a bar and not a library.  My gf is a bartender and I work in the nightclub industry and have never seen people laughing and having a good time told to tone it down. Def sticking to going there when Reese is behind the bar
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