by Arturo Gradney on After a LOOOOOOOOONG hiatus from rateclubs, too long.. I am back to review a rateclubs-worthy club! Thanks to rateclubser Michelle O.'s friendly suggestions and advice, my girls and I had a fantabulous mini-bachelorette party at Blvd3! We were on the guestlist so getting in was a breeze. The super friendly bouncers (Russell and the guy with the DickTracy-esque look) and the veil on my girl did help with the entry. The venue itself is absolutely gorgeous and probably the closest thing you'll find to Vegas here in the westside. The ambiance, crowd and music were appropriate! Yes, there was fondue and the blackberries were juicccy fruity! There is another bathroom downstairs so I don't know why everyone is complaining. Trust me, since we went about a dozen times. We had a great time overall. The bride-to-be was being lifted into the air every moment by random guys and a bachelor party was nice enough to take care of us :) The music could've been better. But we were taken by some 'friends' next door to Social (that review is to come). All in all, it's not overdone or typical . Not much of a clubber, but this was quite enjoyable.
by ang h. on Lining up in front of a swanky club is not how I roll. At least in Cali. That said, on a Saturday night, a girl friend and I were prepared to wait in front of Hiro, supposedly the up-and-coming addition to the creme de la creme of Manhattan clubs (so I was told, don't quote me for that). Looks like the rule that all-fine-looking-ladies-get-in-for-free-with-no-wa iting-necessary is a universal one. Within the first five minutes, an overwhelmingly short and somewhat douchey-looking dude with a man purse approached us and asked if we would like to get in, no cover, no wait. Skeptical at first, thinking that, of all the places in the world, Manhattan would be the place where nothing, other than the (polluted) air that we breathe, comes without a price tag. We were ushered down a long, dark and suspiciously quiet corridor, sashayed past a couple of monolithic-looking men and scantily clad ladies, and found ourselves in a room filled with thumping music, Japanese-inspired decor and variety of human specimen enough to satisfy the pickiest and fussiest of the anthropologists. A few moments later, the crowd's attention was directed to two ladies swinging, pendulum-style, in what appeared to be bed linens whose ends are tied to the ceiling. Said crowd, however, had a very short attention span as, within minutes, they went back to their own activities of chit-chatting, merrily drinking, and meshing their sweaty bodies against others. The music (which I believe is referred to as 'mashup') reminded me of Slide back home - DJ with ADD playing a variety of different songs, with each song lasting no more than 10 seconds at a time. The main dance floor was a bit cramped, yet we found our spot at the mezzanine level, where the bar was almost empty, temperature much lower and plush couches abundant.