Oldham Saloon
201 East Main Street
Oldham, SD 57051
Kingsbury County
Phone: (605) 482-8122
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by jennifer n. on
I love this place.  I have been to the ranstead room on at least four occasions and have thoroughly enjoyed myself each time. Before I get to the drinks, which are delicious, can we talk about the music?  I was shazam-ing like crazy in here!  If you like classic soul you will not be disappointed.  And the service -- so friendly and professional.  I would expect some pretention in an environment such as this, but I have experienced zero attitude. Now for the drinks.  On my first visit, I opted for the bartender's choice, which I recommend highly.  The bartender will query you a bit about your likes and dislikes and then get to mixing.  I love the thoughtfulness of it all.  After determining my preferences, I was served the air mail.  Love at first sip.  Then I was informed about the blackmail (the air mail with blackberries) - another winner.  I haven't been too adventurous, so I have only tried these two drinks.  i like what i like! So, needless to say, I am definitely a fan.
by Sergio Grigsby on
The dark and moody ambiance here make it a fun place for drinks and to see live shows, though it does tend to get crowded and hot pretty damn fast. The space doesn't lend itself to great sound quality, but I would never not see a band I liked because of it...it's not that bad.
by Olen Mcgeeney on
any club that charges you 7 bucks for water and refuses to give you a glass of tap water is on my shitlist. music was horrid. who plays nirvana in a dance club? i mean, i used to wear flannel and black eyeliner and all, but really, my booty just can't shake to that. nostalgia or not. now, eleven50. that was a good club. (former opera) all that VIP area now in opera, that NO ONE hangs out on? that all used to be stage dancing for the more outgoing among us. it was awesome. and the music, though my friends are pickier than i, was varied and good. in fact i daresay, there was even the occasional chick who knew how to dance to techno in the main room, and MANY impressive cats dancing to the latin music in the other room. oh. and the coat check is 5 bucks too. what gives? why ruin a good thing? boo.
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