Possum Lodge
1501 East Sioux Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Hughes County
Phone: (605) 224-0124
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Chang Lykken on
Not impressed. Expensive. Does have some rare finds and exceptional views, but the animals are in cruel setting. Employees are not helpful. Security people at entrance are rude and un-professional. Better off driving to the coast and looking at the wildlife.
by Thanh Maple on
This place is a joke, don't bother. $15 Cover - Fail, are you serious?! Bartender - Fail Small plastic cups used by United Airline and friends, full of ice - FAIL Music - Alright Video projection of holocaust survivors while blasting poker face - FAIL Sound system - Much better than it used to be, but still fail Crowd - Marina crowd trying to be edgy by going to the mission. Definitely not a hot scene Bouncer - Since when bouncers are not a total failure?
by Tara O. on
I don't get you, Slide. I've actually made it inside this club, which from my experience and reading the reviews is a bit surprising. The music was middling to decent, but faded as the night went on. The crowd is so-so, drinks are expensive, etc, etc. I had fun, but that was probably due to the company I was with, not really the club's doing. Not horrible, but certainly not the best or most exciting club I've ever been to. Which is why I don't get Slide. Most of the times I've tried to get in, they pull the phantom guest list BS. I too have been rejected at the door by stupid mustache guy. Luckily this place is right down the street from my apartment, so we have tried getting in a couple times before heading out and always have another destination in mind because we know how stupid the door policy is. Why do we keep trying, you ask? Not sure actually. Maybe we want to verify one last time that its not worth the hassle.
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