Rauville Station
16588 455th Avenue
Watertown, SD 57201
Codington County
Phone: (605) 886-4772
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Dan B. on
I must say I'm impressed.  The concept sounded strange in theory, but worked well in reality.  There's nothing quite like walking around a beautiful museum with a cocktail in your hand (and no kids to deal with); Bars are interspersed at strategic locations to keep your cup refreshed, and DJs and live music make it even more festive. My only annoyance were the very high drink prices ($7 for a beer; $8 for a smallish mixed drink using cheap booze); At least it was only $12 to get in. All in all, we had a great time, despite the fact we arrived a bit late and missed out on planetarium passes for the night. After that we made all the right decisions, skipping the crowded front bar and grabbing a cocktail in the back bar (no line at all); Then we headed to the rain forest exhibit, just before a big line formed. We grabbed a bite and a beer at the excellent cafeteria, splurged on double dessert, and again left before it got mobbed there.  We spent the rest of the time chilling out downstairs in the aquarium area.  The best spot of all was the Philippines Reef room, where a DJ played some great ambient beats and we sat on the steps and watched the wall of sea life shift and change in front of us. Hard to match that at a club. The thing I keep coming back to is: what did the fish think of all this?
by Rafael Protich on
Tuesday's HeartThrob rocks!! Have been so many times and I absolutely love it here! (+): No cover!, good looking people, hot music, dancing until you pass out, saved a lot of money on a gym membership, friendly atmosphere, good place to meet people, perfect Tuesday night spot, drinks aren't expensive, impressive setup with seating around the dance floor Suggestions: Wear a tank...it gets hot even in the winter (or maybe its just my hot self).
by Eric Busa on
Yayyy, I'm so happy to be the first to rateclub about my new favorite bar/club Shine!!!  The boys from Sauce (and for you Burners, the Deep End Camp) have taken it to the next level and have just opened up this club in SOMA.  The place has great ambience - low lighting and lots of glittery surfaces, with an amazing natural wood bar and comfy couches.  They've installed minibars throughout the bar that you can purchase for the evening, stocked with red bull and various alcohols and mixers.  However, the drinks are pretty fantastic - Matt, Scott and the other bartenders do it up right. The coolest part about the bar though, is that fact that it was built out by a group of friends who worked their asses off for a month to get it looking sharp.  No contractors here, but a group of people who wanted to create a great space for friends to hang out, and of course, dance their asses off!  Expect a killer line up of DJs, a great mix of people and a guaranteed good time.  Oh, and don't forget to try out the cool photo booth in back!!
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