by Shawn Preedom on Second time here, I decided to give it another chance, and boy was that a mistake. Still will give it 2 starts for the ambiance, nice bathrooms and nice bouncers lol. Oh and who could forget the hot go go dancers who did a good job entertaining the crowd. I really did not like the music, but it's probably my fault because I do know what I like and I knew most likely they wouldn't be playing at this club, still I decided to give into my friend pressuring me to go. I ordered a vodka cran, and tasted pure vodka, I didn't enjoy it. Boo for the bartender. And this place is totally not worth the $20 cover
by Ms B. on I can appreciate ghetto at times...but this place is ghetttttttttttttttooooo!! I couldn't even walk through the crowd without getting my arm pulled by billions of dudes all saying "Damn guuuurl I need to dance wit chu!" I draw the line when I get patted down trying to get into a club. Scary!
by Salvador Depaula on My friend Anna and I parked in a parking garage for $10 that was a couple doors down from the club. We walked to Opera where we were comically ushered "no not this line, that one" from one entry point to another. There are at least three different check-in points: VIP, prepaid tickets, and the $20 cover line. With all the people and small signs it can be confusing for newbies. We paid $20 each and walked up the outside stairs where a doorman (who we become very familiar with later) opened the huge doors and greeted us. A gaggle of skanty clad model-types came chirping past us promoting something. In their wake were drooling guys who did not stand a chance. We hurried inside teeming with excitement. We should've milked that giddy happiness for all we could because it soon was replaced by disappointment. Opera is large. There's no direction for newbies. We ended up downstairs in the green room/locker room for the 80s rock band that would perform that night. No one stopped us. There we stood like two sticks in the mud for about 10 minutes before we ventured upstairs in search of the dance floor. We're told by security that the dance floor is not open. We need to either watch the 80s band perform or go out on the patio. $40 to get inside Opera and no dance floor open?! I was NOT happy. The patio had a DJ mixing top 40 and classic rock. Meh. Dancing had to be done on decking....I see a lawsuit when a woman's high heel sticks in between the wood slats and she breaks her ankle. Bubble machines pumped out thousands of bubbles for the advertised Bubble Bash. One glass of free champagne. I would trade in the bubble and champagne to dance inside on the dance floor to decent music! Anna decided we're leaving and going across the street to Sutra. The doorman at Opera's main entrance asked why we were leaving. We told him our issue. He said to please wait, the dance floor will open after the band plays. It'll be worth your staying, he said. So back to the patio we go. We made three more escape attempts; always persuaded to stay by the polite and apologetic doorman. We spent from 10:45 p.m. until midnight waiting for a dance floor to open. If this is how Opera operates they need to state such on their web site so people don't waste time arriving before midnight. We finally danced by the patio bar and were swarmed by photographers. Apparently we were the hottest thing happening on the patio.....sad, isn't it? We wandered inside to watch the 80s band perform. They were good, but not what we came for. Finally - by the love of God - at midnight the band stopped playing and dance music came on. But wait - Opera never opened the main dance floor. The "gorgeous main area" that other reviewers rave about - $40 cover and never saw it. Everyone was crammed into this smaller room where the stage is with speakerboxes. VIP above. There were pretty speakerbox dancers who were fun to watch. The music was good, but so incredibly loud that I could not hear properly for half a day. Anna and I danced from midnight until 2 a.m. nonstop. Let me describe to you the definition of dancing (for women) at Opera: you and girlfriends dance while every nerd, geek, Guido, and perv in the club dances up on you from behind (ever see a dog hump a person's leg?) without permission. It is an ass-grabbing fest. I danced most of the night with my back to the speakerbox. If this is what other reviewers term "very sexy, crazy" um, this is not a good kind of sexy. All the good-looking, sexy people pictured on the Opera web site are upstairs in VIP. You won't dance or socialize with them. They don't come downstairs to wiggle with the little people. A positive: bartenders were polite and quick to serve us, and the vodka tonic with lime was well made. Vodka tonic with lime $8. Gorgeous place for drinks and dancing? I never did see the "gorgeous" main area. Our doorman friend made it up to us when we left at 2 a.m. with a dozen free passes. We have no plans to return in the near future.
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