by Judy Demarest on Let's see...I came here for the Glowfest party last week on Wednesday. I wanted to party it up because I had a week off of school for Thanksgiving!! When I got to the place, I was a little confused about where the club is - I actually thought we got lost because the place is sort of located at like a dock and there were hella boats parked around the area, but then we saw a few people walk by and they look like the party-ers, so we were assured. Because my friends and I got here slightly early so we decided to wait in the car for a bit. We decided to start lining up at 10:15ish. The line wasn't long at all but we only got in like a little after 11 because my friend forgot her ID and the bouncers were super strict. Anyways, moving on...the bouncer only lets in 2 people at a time, making the wait even longer than necessary.sigh When we entered the club, it was EMPTY..well more like half empty. People were in their own groups and nobody was really dancing. There was a stage in from on the DJ booth where they had dancers dance there and people only started to dance at around 12ish. Half the dance floor was empty. It wasn't as pumpin' but I like the venue more than Club NV and Glass Kat. The balcony was nice - I could smoke there without having to get out of the club and the view wasn't bad. Other than that, there's nothing that really stood out - the guys there could be creepy. A lot of them would sit against the wall and pull whichever girl they can and have her grind on him. gross. So...overall experience, 2 stars plus 1 for the slightly better venue.
by Adaline Leipold on Harlot's kinda magical. When the combination of company and conversation is just right, you can lose yourself in the seductive glow of this place. It's swanky in an sexy, underground speak-easy kind of way, but it's definitely at its best when it's not too crowded. The drinks are nice (nothing too stellar, but they do the trick and hey--who doesn't enjoy having your drink mixed by a hot girl in a corset?!) And the vibe (and a few easy-to-sip drinks) will seduce you into the comfort of intimacy. Be forwarned that drinking here might lead you to divulging your darkest secrets to new-found friends, or sharing a suprisingly sexy but unexpected kiss. It's a great place for an after work drink (I've bonded with many a co-worker here) or to get the party started with a group of friends (we went here as the first stop on our bachelor/bachelorette party bus) and took over the VIP seating area in a plethora of sexy drunken fun. As long as you bring your own crowd, your own makeout partner--or at least your own conversation to the mix, you're guaranteed a sinfully awesome time.