Sis's Bar and Grill
390 East Main Street
Lake Andes, SD 57356
Charles Mix County
Phone: (605) 487-6194
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Hours: unknown
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by Francis Johansing on
I had the pleasure of seeing David Gray in concert here last night. The Venue was wonderful with not a bad seat in the house. We sat in the balcony dead center and loved our seats. We got there early to figure out the parking situation, It was a breeze found a lot for $6 be sure to check what time they close, the first lot I pulled into was closing at 9pm that would have been bad. You can get beer, wine, and the stiff stuff all inside for reasonable prices. but its a simple bar, no fancy drinks or umbrellas here. I didnt see food so to speak but they did have snacks, Chips, Candy.... Get here early so you can walk around inside take a few pictures and enjoy this venue before your show. I can't wait to see another show here. Minus 1 star for the lack of leg room in the isles but mostly for the (thrift store smell) in this place.
by Emily B. on
I hate how much I liked this place.  It's so over-the-top with the velvet rope and the ridiculous fashion meets finance scene, but I couldn't help having a blast here.  First, it's gorgeous inside.  Second, the deejays are great.  Third, it's fabulous people watching. I have a total love/hate relationship with places like this because on the one hand they're so much fun and the insidery-ness makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, but on the other hand, I want to grab a pitchfork and start the revolution when I see a table full of old guys with $600 haircuts and $2,000 suits surrounded by 20-something-year-old models.  Luckily, that's not all Avenue is (yet).  It's also got plenty of those confusing New York scenesters I can't help but gawk at and simultaneously mock/envy.  You know the type: they wear gold lycra jumpsuits and are covered in tattoos and piercings and you can't help but wonder how the eff they can afford to get drunk on the $18 cocktails there.  They baffle me (really, do you need that much attention all the time?) but they are also part of the reason I love going out in New York.  Clubs would be boring if everyone tried to blend in like me.  Oh yeah, and they let you smoke inside! So yes Avenue, I love you in spite of the fact that you bring out all my high school insecurities (or maybe because of it).  If I thought I could get in without my friend being on the list, I would probably go back.  But I don't think I could handle your rejection.
by Ashely Loiko on
Hi, My name is cat club. I am overpriced and filled with yuppies who don't know how to dance and don't know any of the music. Did I mention I have a cover charge, my pours of cheap vodka are really small and the cups they pour them into are as well. I also have this alley to smoke in that is so crammed full of people that every move you make you get burned. I do like the music, that's why you get two stars, but I like anything but country, sooo, ya. Insert sad pooh face here to a bar that used to be good.
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